Affiliate Program

Join our affiliate program and start retailing Bio-Therapeutic products using your website and social media pages!



  1. Create a new revenue stream, expand your offering, grow your business, and keep up with the demand for skincare and beauty products.
  2. Easy and fast way to add a top brand to your offering.
  3. We ship direct to your clients; you don't have to stock anything!
  4. You receive 30%** commission on referral sales when a customer makes a purchase through your affiliate link.
  5. Promote anything on (this website).


How it works:

  1. Sign up and activate
  2. Customize your account
  3. Spread the word
  4. Collect commission payments


Ready to sign up? Click HERE for more details. 


* Please note that in order to earn commissions, shoppers must purchase products through your custom link. Currently, this offer is only available to our USA customers.

** Exclusions apply. Current exclusions are bt-protect suite (bt-degree IR, bt-smartmask, bt-shield) which are commissioned at 20%.